Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning!
Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain!
Hushed be the accents of sorrow and mourning;
Zion in triumph begins her mild reign.
Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning!
Long by the prophets of Israel foretold;
Hail to the millions from bondage returning!
Gentiles and Jews the blest vision behold.
Lo, in the desert rich flowers are springing,
Streams ever copious are gliding along;
Loud from the mountaintops echoes are ringing,
Wastes rise in verdure, and mingle in song.
See, from all lands, from the isles of the ocean,
Praise to the Savior ascending on high;
Saints come to Zion with songs of devotion,
Shouts of salvation are rending the sky.
Hallelujah, He is risen
1. Hallelujah, He is risen!
Jesus is gone up on high!
Burst the bars of death asunder,
Angels shout and men reply:
He is risen, He is risen,
Living now no more to die.
He is risen, He is risen,
Living now no more to die.
2. Hallelujah, He is risen!
Our exalted Head to be;
Sends the witness of the Spirit
That our advocate is He:
He is risen, He is risen,
Justified in Him are we.
He is risen, He is risen,
Justified in Him are we.
3. Hallelujah, He is risen!
Death for aye hath lost his sting,
Christ, Himself the Resurrection,
From the grave His own will bring:
He is risen, He is risen,
Living Lord and coming King.
He is risen, He is risen,
Living Lord and coming King.
’Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give
Unto him who on Jesus, His Son, will believe.
Hallelujah, ’tis done! I believe on the Son;
I am saved by the blood of the crucified One.(x2)
Though the pathway be lonely, and dangerous, too,
Surely Jesus is able to carry me through.
Many loved ones have I in yon heavenly throng,
They are safe now in glory, and this is their song:
Little children I see standing close by their King,
And He smiles as their song of salvation they sing:
There are prophets and kings in that throng I behold,
And they sing as they march through the streets of pure gold:
There’s a part in that chorus for you and for me,
And the theme of our praises forever will be: