1. Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
In celestial-like strains it unceasingly falls
O’er my soul like an infinite calm.
Peace, peace! wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above,
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray,
In fathomless billows of love.
2. What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace
Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
So secure that no power can mine it away
While the years of eternity roll.
3. I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace,
Resting sweetly in Jesus’ control,
For I’m kept from all danger by night and by day,
And His glory is flooding my soul.
4. And me thinks when I rise to that city of peace
Where the Author of peace I shall see,
That one strain of the song which the ransomed will sing
In that heavenly kingdom shall be:
5. Ah! soul, are you here without comfort and rest,
Marching down the rough pathway of time?
Make Jesus your friend ere the shadows grow dark
O accept this sweet peace so sublime!
1. Far from the Lord I wander’d long
In enchantments of time and place,
Sunk deep in my sins, immers’d in wrong,
Forgetting a Saviour’s grace.
O, Jesus, dear Lord, my heart
Is opening now the door,
Come in today, come forever to stay,
My life to be, evermore! (Amen)
2. Grieving for Adam’s dying seed
In the bondage of sin and shame,
From glories of heav’n to meet our need,
In pity the Saviour came.
3. Mockery’s cirmson cloth He wore,
And His crown was a crown of throrn,
And, high on the cross, the pains He bore
The sins of a world have borne!
4. Folly and sin of humankind!
So unwilling our Lord to know,
We wander our deserts, faint and blind!
How long shall we scorn Him so
Father, I stretch my hands to Thee,
No other help I know;
If Thou withdraw Thyself from me,
Ah! whither shall I go?
I do believe, I now believe,
That Jesus died for me,
And that He shed His precious blood
From sin to set me free. Amen
What did Thine only Son endure,
Before I drew my breath?
What pain, what labor, to secure
My soul from endless death!
O Jesus, could I this believe,
I now should feel Thy power;
Now my poor soul Thou wouldst retrieve,
Nor let me wait one hour.
Surely Thou canst not let me die;
O speak, and I shall live;
And here I will unwearied lie,
Till Thou Thy Spirit give.
Author of faith, to Thee I lift
My weary, longing eyes:
O let me now receive that gift!
My soul without it dies!
The worst of sinners would rejoice,
Could they but see Thy face:
O, let me hear Thy quickening voice,
And taste Thy pardoning grace.