English Health & Treatment

Worse than Sugar-Dr. Eric Berg

Today, we’re going to talk about the hidden dangers of starch. Some ultra-processed foods may not have sugar but are packed with synthetic starch. Many synthetic starches can potentially affect your blood sugar even more than sugar.

When you repeatedly raise your blood sugar, you will eventually develop insulin resistance. Over time, your fat cells can no longer store fat, and energy is stored inside the organs or as visceral fat. Ultimately, you lose the ability to control your blood sugar levels and can develop diabetes.

Starches are hidden sugar! Even products labeled sugar-free contain starches that can cause more damage than sugar.

Synthetic starches do not contain protein, fat, or fiber, all of which help buffer blood sugar spikes. Consuming starches can also deplete your body of essential nutrients such as vitamin D. This can cause significant inflammation, decreasing vitamin D’s ability to work in your cells.

Vitamin B1 is vital for your body to burn carbohydrates. Synthetic starches deplete vitamin B1 and zinc, leaving you tired and unable to create energy in the body.

Synthetic starches feed the pathogenic microbes in your gut. They can also contribute to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Modified corn starch is added to food as a thickener or carrier of flavors. Maltodextrin is typically added to food as a filler. It’s also sometimes added to protein powders as an energy source. This is incredibly damaging to your cells and mitochondria.


What to Eat When You Have Macular Degeneratio

What to Eat When You Have Macular Degeneration
1. Leafy or colourful veggies
2. High Vit C Fruits
3. Fish
4. Eggs
5. Avoid Junk Foods/Processed foods
6. Avoid Seed Oils/Trans fats



Worst Foods for Arthritis



You Are Immune Against Every Disease

You are not a person, you are a planet, made of roughly 40 trillion cells. There is so much of you, that if your cells were human-sized, you would be as big as 20 Mount Everests. For your creepy-crawly inhabitants, this makes your body an ecosystem, rich in resources and warmth and space. A perfect place to move into and have a family. While some of these guests are welcome, most are not. Your immune system is the guardian of this planet, the force tasked with protecting yourself against the constant danger of invasion.