English Hymn K-L

Lord, Keep My Heart Always True to You

1.Lord, keep my heart always true to You,
Never backsliding, always viewing You,
A heart that is pure that sees only You,
A heart that loves You and treasures only You.

Your love constrains me to give my all to You.
Lord, I can’t help it; my heart is drawn to You.
Oh what a privilege! I give myself to You!
I love You, Lord, dearest Lord.
I love You! I just love You!

2.Lord, keep my love burning brightly for You,
A love never dwindling always hot for You,
A love, shining brighter all the way for You,
A love, so fresh like the day I first touched You.

3.Lord, take my life, I present it to You!
If I had a thousand, I’d pour all on You!
Nothing withholding, my all is for You.
My life and my future, dear Lord, is all for You.


Lord, let us now depart in peace,
Who in Thy name are gathered here;
Disclose the brightness of Thy face,
And be forever near. Amen.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father Which art in Heaven,
Hallowed be… Thy Name,
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done,
On earth.. as it is in Heaven…
Give us this day
Our daily bread, And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors,
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For Thy is the Kingdom, and the power
And the glory forever…
Thy is the Kingdom and the power,
and the Glory Forever…