English Gospel Song O-P

Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus

Verse 1
1. O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
vast, unmeasured, boundless, free,
rolling as a mighty ocean
in its fullness over me.
Underneath me, all around me,
is the current of Thy love;
leading onward, leading homeward
to my glorious rest above.

2. O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth,
changeth never, nevermore!
How He watcheth o’er His loved ones,
died to call them all His own;
how for them He intercedeth,
watcheth o’er them from the throne.

3. O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
love of ev’ry love the best;
’tis an ocean vast of blessing,
’tis a haven sweet of rest.
O the deep, deep love of Jesus,
’tis heav’n of heav’ns to me;
and it lifts me up to glory,
for it lifts me up to Thee.


On Jesus’ Hand

I am cleansed through the blood of Jesus Christ
I am free through the blood of Jesus Christ
As I come to worship you in this time
I will give my all in to you, my Lord

Jesus, you were pierced for all my sins
Jesus, you were pierced for all my shame
I no longer live, but Christ lives in me
So I now live by faith in the Son of God

How sweet it is to hold my Savior’s hand
And how sweet it is to hold my Savior’s feet
If I will die with you Lord
Then I will also live with you
Forevermore, I’ll live for you, Jesus
I’ll live for you, alone

Jesus, you were pierced for all my sins
Jesus, you were pierced for all my shame
I no longer live, but Christ lives in me
So I now live by faith in the Son of God



Once Again

Jesus Christ, I think upon Your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times I’ve wondered at Your gift of life
And I’m in that place once again
I’m in that place once again

And once again I look upon the cross where You died
I’m humbled by Your mercy and I’m broken inside
Once again I thank You
Once again I pour out my life

Now You are exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens
Where one day I’ll bow
But for now I marvel at this saving grace
And I’m full of praise once again
I’m full of praise once again

Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross
Thank You for the cross, my Friend