As for Me and My House
As for me and my house
We will serve the Lord (oh yes)
As for me and my house
We will serve the Lord
We have counted the cost
We have made the choice
We will follow our God
And obey His voice
From this day
For the rest of our lives
We will serve the Lord
We will not bow to another God
We will have no other God’s but You
We will not serve two masters
We surrender our lives to You
We surrender our lives to You
As For Me(I will behold thy face)
As for me I will behold
Thy face in righteousness
I will be satisfied, when
I awake with thy likeness
I want to be just like you, JESUS
As for me I will behold Thy face.
As for me I will behold
Thy face in righteousness
I will be satisfied, when
I awake with thy likeness
I want to be just like you, JESUS
As for me I will behold Thy face.
As I come to the throne
Our God in heaven is seated on the throne,
how can we come before His throne
Only by the cross on which He died;
In this we put our faith alone
My God in heaven is seated on the throne,
without Him I am always weak
It’s You who wraps me in Your love,
In this I put my faith alone
Greater than my strength will ever know;
only by the blood of the Lamb
Greater than my strength will ever know;
only by the blood of the Lamb
It’s because of Your blood, and Your perfect love
I can come before the throne
It’s because of Your blood, and Your perfect love
I will praise You God alone
As I Gaze Upon You Lord
As I gaze upon you Lord
As I put my hope in you
Jesus Christ the king
who is coming back
I will wait on you O lord
I will wait on you O lord
I praise you everyday I love you
day and night
Forever I will worship you
In pain in sorrow
Even when I stumble down
My heart will ever praise
and bless the Lord