English Creation Science

Has science discover God?


Helium Diffusion Rates and the Age of the Earth-Dr. Vardiman

Dr. Larry Vardiman was the organiser and administrator of the R. A. T. E. Project, which stands for Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth.
Quote ‘Helium is one of the byproducts of Uranium decay, Uranium is a heavy element which breaks down into Lead and also produces Helium at the same time…This Helium that’s created in the rock by the decay of Uranium becomes an alternative dating method, or a clock for estimating how old the rocks are…Radioisotope dating is the primary method for dating rocks but it has some basic assumptions that have to be met.
1. No initial concentration of daughter elements.
2. Constant decay rate.
3. Closed system.’
Dr. Vardiman shows that the Helium decay rate supports the Biblical young age of the earth of 6,000 years.



How Genetic Science CONFIRMS the Bible-Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

2022. 12. 30. Traced: DNA’s Big Surprise with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson
In this episode of Traced, Bryan Osborne and Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson reveal how genetic science CONFIRMS the Bible, which tends to drive atheists a bit crazy since it directly opposes the theory of evolution. Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.

Check out Dr. Jeanson’s book, Traced: https://answersingenesis.org/store/product/traced/


How see stars billions of light years away